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5-min Quick-start Guide

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Before installing RDS Advanced Security, verify the following prerequisites.

Operating System Requirements on the Client

  • Windows 7 Pro
  • Windows 8/8.1 Pro
  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Windows 11 Pro
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2/Small Business Server SP2 or 2008 R2 SP1
  • Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
  • .NET Framework 4.5.3 or higher

More info about prerequisites »


Download the RDS Advanced Security 15-day trial and simply run Setup-RDS-Security.exe as an administrator on the Windows machine you've chosen to protect.

When the installation is finished, click on the desktop icon to open the admin console:

Full installation guide »


Configure basic features

After launching TSplus Advanced Security, easily configure the main security features fro the dashboard:

  1. Activate Ransomware Protection in one click to start the learning period.
  2. Confirm that Bruteforce Protection is indeed activated.
  3. Add your whitelisted countries in Geographic Access Protection.

You are all set with basic features!

Getting started guide »

Leverage user/group-based security features

Now that your basic features are activated, customize the following security measures for customization at the user or group levels.

Add users and groups

Click on one of the Secure Desktop, Permission or Working Hours features, to easily add users and groups using your Windows Active Directory, Azure, AWS or local accounts.

Configure additional features

  1. Define access privileges to local filesystems, printers and registry keys for each user/group with Permissions.
  2. Define when users are authorized to login with Working Hours.
  3. Customize the security level for users/groups with Secure Desktop.
  4. Validate users’ devices that can connect remotely with Endpoint Protection.

To access more capabilities, please use the expert mode and consult our guide.
To whitelist users, groups or programs, click on the settings tab.

Follow the getting started guide to know more »

Access advanced settings

In the expert mode, experienced network admins can access advanced settings in Settings / Advanced.

Backup/Restore data and settings in a secure and private database, deactivate the Windows firewall to use the RDS Advanced Security built-in firewall, enable/disable service and functionalities logs, and more!

Consult advanced settings »

For example, run the above command to disable the license on your installation providing your license key.

Go further

Have specific requirements?

Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to answer your questions and guide you.

Ready to dive in?

Download your free trial and configure RDS Advanced Security in minutes.

Full user-guide
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