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The RDS-Tools Team is proud to announce the general availability of Server Genius 3.2 version .It contains new Features and enhancements:

  • General user interface improvements were made.
  • Enhanced applications and users reports, focused on metrics relevant for RDS servers:

Server Performances Report: Displays Processor Usage, Memory usage and I/O (in percentage of the total available disk time)

Application Elapsed Time per User Report: Displays the application's total execution time per user, in minutes, for the top 30 applications over the selected time range.

Connection Time per User Report: Displays the number of minutes each user was connected to the server through a Remote Desktop Services (RDS) session for the selected period of time.

Connected Users Tracking Report: Displays the log of the opened Remote Desktop Services (RDS) sessions for the selected period of time.

  • Database setup and upgrade processes have been fixed and overall performances have been improved for less powerful systems.

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