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Table of Contents

Launch of the Initial Release under th e name "Reporting and Monitoring for RDP".

  • Creation of Monitoring Tools :
  • A Performance Chart that allows RDS Administrators to check real-time RD Session Host performance at a glance, measure bandwidth, CPU and Memory usage.
  • Disks Chart: Monitor the Disks usage per hour and per day.
  • Users Chart: Track monthly or daily activities, identify the most active hours, and monitor user activity by day.
  • Applications Chart: Get a report of the most used applications, with duration of use and number of users on each application. .
  • Creation of a Reporting Tool: Customizable alerts: Determine time-ranges and thresholds with a Web interface fully compatible with tablets and Smartphone.
  • Administration Settings that allow the Administrator to set Authentication Settings and Email Settings to easily get reports.

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