Table of Contents
  • The Users Whitelist option was added: The Administrator can add/remove users from the whitelist under the Settings and License tile > Users Whitelist:

Users on the whitelist are now ignored by RDS-Knight and t heir settings will not be applied .The user downloading the setup or updating the software from a previous version will be automatically added to the whitelist.

  • The Brute-Force Attacks Defender was updated to its latest version and the user interface is now fully integrated.
  • Homeland Access Protection : countries are now sorted alphabetically
  • Uninstallation : all RDS-Knight files are now removed when uninstalling the product (and users settings are reset)
  • New "Security Essentials" edition : lower pricing, without the One click to Secure Desktop and the Endpoint protection features, no users/groups selection (settings apply to all users)
  • IP to Countries list and translations were updated.

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